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Aidex Software, Germany

We are active in the IT sector since 1996, original­ly as a local reseller for PCs and acces­sories. Since 2002 we offer indi­vi­dual soft­ware develop­ment on customer order. In addi­tion, the follow­ing two app­lica­tion pro­grams have been develop­ed under our own label. You can down­load our soft­ware here and purchase it direct­ly from us.
  • Manage your door keys
  • Log the key handovers
  • Map your locking systems
Key Organizer

"Key Organizer" is a program for Windows, with which you can keep track of key trans­fers. Especial­ly with large locking sys­tems and many key recei­vers, Excel tables would quick­ly be­come con­fus­ing. Our data­base applica­tion creates hand­over proto­cols, supports the use of a signature pad and keeps a journal of all issued keys.
» About our key control software | Download page
  • Find duplicate files
Picture © La Fabrika Pixel S.l.
"Anti-Twin" is a tool for Windows that searches for dupli­cate files on the hard disk. Our popu­lar dupli­cate file finder for home users has been avail­able here for free since 2003. As free­ware it has been down­load­ed several million times world­wide. The special feature of the pro­gram is the quick com­pari­son of file con­tents and the search for simi­lar images. » Anti-Twin: search for duplicate files
© Aidex GmbH, Jörg Rosenthal, Germany, 2024